Train Your Game Like a Navy Seal

This makes it essential for athletes to train in an environment that is similar to competition (level, distractions, environmental conditions, etc.). If the athlete does not practice under similar conditions competition often becomes too much of a challenge. This is because the amygdala sends off stress hormones that are too strong for the athlete to overcome. The result is often seen by the athlete’s inability to stay relaxed, focused, and confident. Even elite athletes have fallen short of the amygdala’s powerful natural response to fear (example: pro-athletes who say they are 100 physically ready after an injury but still struggle greatly throughout the first several games or even months).
Once the environment is managed more accurately and competitively, the next step is for the athlete to learn the critical mental skills so that they can adjust to the demands of such intense conditions (mental training is another required part of the Navy Seal training Program). Combining the 3 factors: competitive training + environment + mental training, will give the athlete the best opportunity of reaching their full potential.
Patrick Albán B.S., M.S.